
Container Gardening

This gallery contains 24 photos.

It’s been quite awhile since I wrote about our garden. We were in Illinois and had a 1600 square foot garden up until September 2015. Between preparing for an overseas move and our garden, I had little time to do much writing. We then moved to Germany, where we have no yard or garden but … Continue reading

Politics and Reality

What’s in a name? When the name of your farm is Isis [after the ancient Egyptian goddess, then carried on in Roman and Greek mythology] … oh dear.

I’m asking each of you in my blog community to please advise dear Aggie and Lou by taking part in their brief poll about whether they should change the name of their organic farm from ISIS because of the hassles they are encountering lately. these two brave souls have sunken everything into their beloved farm. I know from experience that you are a compassionate and wise bunch of individuals – so what’s your advice to them?

(this commentary and question was originally raised by Cynthia Reyes. Thanks Cynthia!)

Isis Farms

Last day of leveling. Last day of leveling. SANYO DIGITAL CAMERAzimmermann-high-tunnelHow to deal with this ISIS shit//it is becoming very interfering in our space……Should we change our name? Why? How can media and politics affect our reality?
Anyhow it has become quite a mess/from a theosophical viewpoint we should not give in, GOD IS GOOD, no matter who you think he,she, it is////the antichrist aspects of the orginazation the american media prefers to call Isis is harming us greatly//so what do we do?
Input here is appreciated…………………..
I think maybe painting over the ISIS on the sign in JOHN DEERE GREEN would as least let the drive by locals we want to dissociate from the thought form may work…WHAT DO YOU THINK? For some reason I refuse to give up the egreggor of ISIS FARMS. But would paint the sign OVER IN GREEN……
Life in the country is so complicated////in the city all you have to…

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